Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The funny thing on this animation is the audio, sorry non-Brazilian guys :D

Esse foi um vídeo promocional onde eu animei os personagens e meu amigo gaveta dublou e trabalhou na composição. A anima não tem nada de mais, é bem tosca, mas eu fiz questão de postar aqui porque foi muito divertido de fazer. Vale a pena conferir o site do gaveta é muito engraçado.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Little Guy

This little guy was created by my friend Ivan. I've been doing this animation in order to test the rig I'm doing. This will be the main character of our short.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Carnivorous Plant

This is an animation me and my friend Ivan made a while ago. It was a happy new year e-card. Watch it here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Chaplin Rig

Chaplin theater video

This is the security video we at Seagulls Fly made for the UCI theater. It will be shown before every movie. 

STUDIO: Seagulls Fly
SOUND: Manga Jingle
DIRECTORS: FlavioMac e Alan Camilo
SCRIPT: Paulo Visgueiro
3D ANIMATION: Alan Camilo
3D ARTISTS: Gabriel Loques, FlavioMac, Fabrício Moraes, Alan Camilo, Fernando Reule, Gustavo Duval, Raoni Nery, Felipe Lobo, Luiz Felippe Azevedo
STORYBOARD: Marco Potter
CONCEPT ART: Paulo Visgueiro, Marco Potter
ARGUMENT: Patricia Balsini, Luciana Jordão e Paulo Visgueiro
PRODUCTION: Luciana Jordão e Juliana Ferreira

Monday, July 20, 2009

Demo Reel 2009

I've finally managed to prepare my demo reel this year :)

Reel Breakdown
Download Demo Reel (80MB)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Some traditional

This is some traditional I made. I'm responsible for the animation.

Rig Brown

This is a rig I've been working on this month. The only purpose is to practice animation. I'm eager to start animating it!!

Ivan Oviedo has created and modeled it. Pedro Conti is responsible for the shading.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My last shot

This is the last shot I made to the Mass Animation project. Please, go vote :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The Easy and Medium shots has been already selected by the Massanimation director. I won 10 Grand Prizes out of 13 shots I've submitted. These 10 shots will be in the final film! Besides that I won the First Prize, which means I'll get a Dell XPS Computer. Thanks for all of you that voted!
Man, I can't believe I won so many prizes so far :D
January 30th there will be the Hard shots selection. I have 1 submitted so far, but I'm working to make one or two more... wish me luck!